A chance to meet up, in an informal atmosphere, with other EUCS-members, and some of the organisations from along the canal and everyone else who does such a variety of great work along the canal in Edinburgh (and further).
Come along to find out about – Volunteering opportunities; like helping out with our rowing boats – The latest news from EUCS; and any other organisations present
Our third EUCS Annual General Meeting, will take place at: 2pm, Sunday 3rd November at the Merchiston Tennis & Bowling Club, on Polwarth Terrace, EH11 1NA.
PLEASE DO come along to hear more about our activities throughout the past year, and our developing plans for the future. We’ll have our third ‘annual report’ to hand out; and there will be brief presentations from some of the current Office-Bearers.
And if you’re interested in coming onto the EUCS Committee for 2025, then do let us know – we have several spaces to fill!
The actual AGM should only last 45-minutes or so – AND the bar will be open throughout and up until 4pm, if you want to stay for a chat after the formal business!
But if that doesn’t persuade you to make it in-person, then the meeting will also be available to view online, via TEAMS – see here:
To mark the start of the 2024 Rowing Boat Season, the Edinburgh Union Canal Society (EUCS) will be hosting a ‘launch event’ on Sunday 14th April. If you’re interested in booking a boat, then details are now on our website here.
Raffle update Canal cruise on ‘All Aboard’ thanks to People Know How. Won by Green 47
Bottle of whisky. Won by Green 23 Ferrero Rocher chocolates. Won by Orange 29 both donated by Tesco Express on Colinton Road
Bottle of wine. Won by Orange 72
2nd bottle of wine. Won by Orange 123
* a recent version of the raffle draw was advertised in the wrong order. All winners should have been contacted and informed of their prize by one of our committee. Apologies if this has caused any confusion.
On the day, EUCS will also have “Information Tents/Stalls/Tea/Coffee/Cake & a Raffle (with great prizes!)“; all on the towpath, opposite the Ashley Terrace Boathouse; and additionally, we’ll also be hiring out our three rowing-boats – we have refurbished a third boat for this year! And our friends at the ‘Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust’ will also be hiring out their electric boat – Kingfisher … so; FOUR BOATS to choose from 🙂
Some further details, including some requests for help, follow below:
We’ll be operational, opposite the Ashley Terrace Boathouse, between 12noon and 5pm … so please do come along on the day, if you can – as you’ll be able to find out more about our ongoing work and also sample some marvelous homemade cakes! Additionally, we’ll be holding a raffle with great prizes on offer, all helping to raise further funds for the Society!
Volunteers (and any home-baking) are also needed across the day – and any help between 10.30am through to 5.30pm on Sunday 14th April; even if for half-an-hour, would be great:
so; for Sunday 14th April 2024
10.30am onwards; we’ll be on-site (opposite the Boathouse), setting up the tent/s – CAN YOU HELP, even if for half-an-hour? … we have new (easier to erect) gazebos, but any help would still be much appreciated!
12noon; the stalls (within the tent/s) will be open – there will be information about EUCS; and a fundraising raffle will be taking place!
we’ll also be selling (very cheaply!) tea/coffee/cakes etc. – & COULD YOU HELP by providing any home-baking, even a small amount would assist (either bring it on the Sunday and/or pop it into 32 Cowan Road on the day before; Saturday 13th April)
and as mentioned, three newly refurbished rowing-boats (and an electric boat) will also be ‘for hire’ at 12noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm; so we’ll need some helpers to Staff that process – all relevant instructions will be provided!
and at around 4.30pm on the Sunday we’ll be packing-up and taking down the tent/s etc.: again, any assistance with these tasks would be very welcome … it really is a great help just having one or two extra pairs of hands when getting the tents down 🙂
IMPORTANTLY – we’ll also be bagging-up all the homemade cakes from 6.30pm the night before, on Saturday 13th April 2024, at 32 Cowan Road … again, any help with this task would be much appreciated … please do just call round 🙂
Saturday 5th November, 3.30pm – 7.30pm Towpath at Ogilvie Terrace
Join us on the towpath, opp. the Ashley Terrace Boathouse to find out more about our plans and sample some homemade cakes!
The “Flotilla” will pass-by around 6pm!… we’ll also be holding a raffle raising funds for the new society, with some great prizes on offer from various local businesses.