We’re only a few days away from this year’s Edinburgh Canal Festival which takes place on Saturday 17th June 2023 along the canal-side from Lochrin Basin to our own location at Ashley Terrace.

Our usual information and cake and hot drinks stalls will be set up on the towpath, opposite the Boathouse, and, additionally, we’ll be hiring out our two, recently refurbished rowing-boats which have proved very popular since we launched them back in mid-April.
Further details about hiring our boats can be found here. On Canal Festival day, we’ll have a total of 10 hire slots: 2 per hour at noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm and 4pm. All booking will be done on a first come, first served basis. Why not come along and enjoy the area from what will be for many a new perspective, or for some may offer a chance to relive an earlier experience of rowing on the canal many years ago?
We’ll also be holding our second tombola, helping to raise further funds for the Society, with some great prizes on offer.
We look forward to meeting friends old and new on the day. Hope you’ll pop by and say hello!