Sunday, 16th April 2023 saw the return of rowing boat hire on the Union Canal, opposite Ashley Terrace Boathouse. All six hire slots were snapped up, and we were thrilled to see folks enjoying our rowing boats again after so many years absence.

Lively cake and tombola stalls ran alongside the hire station for the two newly-refurbished boats. Huge thanks to all who gave their time to help us prepare for the day or dropped by to hire boats or support us in other ways. Thanks also to those who baked for our stall and to those who donated goods to the tombola, with particular thanks to Dundee Street Post Office and Lorraine at Dundee Street Sainsburys for their kind donations. You all helped us raise a very welcome £411 which has been added to EUCS funds, with the long term goal of renovating the Ashley Terrace Boathouse.
Our rowing boats will be available for hire almost every Sunday afternoon from now until 24th September.
For more detailed information about hiring the boats, please check out the Rowing Boats section of our website. If you still have unanswered questions, or would like to find out more about us, please do get in touch.
Our next canalside event will be on Saturday 17th June. We hope to see you then!